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Full, Comprehensive Medical Healthcare Coverage

Simple. Accessible. Affordable Care.

The average family pays $2,000 a month for health insurance premiums.

Over 87% of Americans never reach their annual deductible each year.

In 2019, 59% of family bankruptcies were from insurance costs and healthcare expenses.

We have a solution that offers privatized healthcare, 30-60% less than health insurance plans.

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Healthcare for Families and Individuals

Group Healthcare for Businesses


It's Affordable

Members are saving thousands when they switch to Impact. Plans start as low as $73 for individuals and $378 for families. We have designed four pricing options for individuals and families, as well as special pricing for seniors.

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It's Comprehensive

Members experience a comprehensive medical experience and access to preventative care, mental health care, prescription discounts, and free telemedicine available 24/7.

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It's Inclusive

We are open to anyone who is interested in sharing and saving on their health care. We put the power, the freedom, and the control in paying for health care back into your hands. We are open for enrollment year-round. Open enrollment restrictions don’t apply to healthcare sharing.

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It's Accessible

Members see any doctor of choice nationwide. No network fees, no network limitations. This means more choices and lower costs to you. Since Impact participates with any provider, you can see your doctor and specialists.

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